Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Here's A Quick Way to Improve Your Math Grade

Sara's Little Formula gives students a quick way to improve their grade in math class - no matter what math class it is.  Whether you are in high school, middle school, or even a college math class, here's a quick way to improve your grade.

  1. Know where you stand today in terms of your grade.  Make sure you know exactly what your grade is today.
  2. Know the grading scale and the percentage (or number of points) each type of assignment is awarded.  Check the teacher's website, syllabus, and class contract. Spend more time, effort, and energy on the most important and highest percentage assignments.  If homework is only 10% of your grade, and you are already behind, don't waste time making up 10% work when a project or test is awarded 50%.
  3. Assess your strengths and weaknesses in this class.  If your strength is homework, make sure you do all problems assigned.  If your weakness is tests and quizzes, make sure you have the dates of each test and quiz in your phone or other digital device.
  4. Prepare for tests and quizzes every day - not just the night before.  Make sure you re-cap your notes and class examples every day.  Review your class notes every day.  Practice your example problems every day.  Re-work homework, test, and quiz problems every day.  
  5. Ask for help when you need it.  Don't wait until the day before the test!  Utilize office hours, help sessions, before school and after school time with your teacher.  Ask questions in class, before class, and after class if you don't understand a concept.
  6. Believe in your ability to get the problem right.  You may think this is rather silly; however, I know it works.  I've seen it work in my students for more than 30 years!  The truth of the matter is this:  whether you believe you can work the problem or not, you are right!  So believe that you can, and get it right!
  7. Stay up-to-date on your assignments.  Whenever you get behind, it can really hurt your grade.  So stay on track if you possibly can.  and if you get behind for whatever reason, go back and read #2 and then #3.

Sara L Fitts is an academic coach who helps math students improve their grades in their math classes.  For the past 30 years, Sara has been a math teacher, a high school principal, and an instructional coach.  If you would like to have Sara help you get better grades in your math class, visit her website and complete the contact page. 

Monday, November 17, 2014

Shop Small on Small Business Saturday

SLF Consulting is promoting Small Business Saturday on November 29.  We are offering excellent deals on November 29 in support of small businesses everywhere.

Our amazing deals are available on November 29 simply by visiting our website and registering on our Contact page.  All registrations submitted on November 29 will be valid for these special prices.

SAT Prep Course for 1/2 Price!
Our 6-week SAT Prep Course is only $575 when you register on November 29.  This registration is valid for the January 24, 2015 SAT.  This special price includes all materials.
To receive this special price, please visit our website and register on our Contact page on Saturday, November 29.

Math Tutoring Packages
Our tutoring packages for Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, Trig, Pre-Calculus, and Prob/Stats are available at discounted prices.

5 Tutoring Sessions for $325

10 Tutoring Sessions for $550

20 Tutoring Sessions for $1000

To receive these packages at these discounted prices, please visit our website and register on our Contact page on Saturday, November 29.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Doing Whatever It Takes

Sara's Little Formula really comes down to this:  doing whatever it takes to make a student successful.  It is a combination of many things that help students.  I've developed this little formula over a 30-year span that has proven over and over that it works.  There are hundreds of students that have succeeded because of my simple little formula that works. That's why it's called Sara's Little Formula - and it benefits students in different ways depending upon what they really need.  Not every student needs the same things in order to be successful.  But regardless of what students need, Sara's Little Formula is here to help them when and where they need it.

Over the years I've seen students stress and struggle in their various math classes.  It is difficult to watch students stress and struggle - so I decided a long time ago to develop a way to help students that works regardless of what type of stress and struggle they are experiencing.  With most students, Sara's Little Formula works quickly.  Sometimes it takes a bit longer to refine the particular elements within my formula.  But the bottom line is always this:  Sara's Little Formula works because it provides for implementing whatever strategy, technique, or method that works.  It can help students improve from a B to an A while at the same time taking a student from an F to a C or better.  And in rare cases we get an F to a D.  
Life is short - and we want students to have less stress and struggle in math classes. Period. That's the point of Sara's Little Formula.

If you would like to find out how Sara's Little Formula can benefit you or the student in your life, please contact us today via our website or the SLF Consulting page on Facebook.

Sara L Fitts and SLF Consulting provide math tutorials in Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, Trig, Pre-Calculus, and Probability & Statistics in addition to offering 6-week courses in SAT and ACT prep.  E-courses in Study Skills and Time Management are coming soon!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Rapport is Key

Another key element in Sara's Little Formula is having rapport with my clients.  In order for students to do well in my math tutorials and test prep courses, I must build rapport with them from the very beginning of our work together.  The student must be comfortable with me and I must be able to talk with them first as people and then as students and clients.

Rapport is usually built quite quickly with my clients.  I've worked with teenagers for more than 30 years - and while I now am on average 40 years older than they are - I have stayed up-to-date with trends, technology, and what's important to teenagers so it remains easy to build rapport quickly.  As I often tell them:  "Don't let the gray hair fool you"!

Students have to know that I can help them improve their grades in math class.  Students have to know that I talk to them sincerely and that I care that they learn math more easily and with less stress and struggle.  Building rapport does not happen by talking down to them.  Building rapport does not happen by putting them down.  Building rapport does not happen by telling them "old school" ways of doing things.  Building rapport happens when I can connect with the student in a way that gives them immediate insight to solving their first problem.

Rapport is key to Sara's Little Formula.

SLF Consulting is now enrolling students in one-on-one math tutorials to improve grades in math class.  We are conveniently located across from Prince William Hospital at 8425 Dorsey Circle Suite 102 in Manassas, VA.  For more information, please contact us through our website.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Participation is Vital

Sara's Little Formula is comprised of many elements and today I will discuss the importance of participation as a major component to student success.  Too many times students want to watch a problem being worked.  Then when it's time for homework or other independent practice, they lose their way.  They don't know what to do in order to work the problem.  Sometimes they can't even begin the problem.Often students don't understand why this happens - but the simple answer is this:  they haven't participated in working any of the problems themselves.  They simply watched the teacher work problems during the lesson.

Participation is a critical and vital element in Sara's Little Formula.  During my tutorials with clients, participation is really what moves the student toward seeing immediate success. Even during mistakes in working problems, the student experiences the actual feel of the problem and learns the concept quicker and easier with less stress and struggle.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Motivation is Essential

The next essential element in Sara's Little Formula is motivation.  Without motivation, a great deal of success will never happen.

I learned a very long time ago that many of my students didn't really like math.  So I made it my mission to motivate them to succeed.  My mission is never to make them like math.  But I've always believed that if students improve in their math classes, they have to like math a little bit more - but that's a secondary benefit.  And no one has to like a subject in order to be good at it.

Motivation is important in order for success to occur for a myriad of reasons.  If a student is struggling to comprehend a particular concept, the stress and struggle often take over and shut down the brain.  Poor grades further the downward spiral and then there is (in the student's mind) very little reason to continue working on the concept.  And sometimes students can even experience failure to a degree that shuts them totally down.

Stress and struggle occur in many facets of life.  But my belief is that students shouldn't have to contend with stress and struggle when a remedy exists.  Enter Sara's Little Formula to the rescue.

Motivation is essential in my formula because it sets the stage for immediate relief as well as sustainable success.  Like I said in yesterday's post - whether you think you can or you think you can't do something, you are right.  Therefore, motivation is key.

I don't set out to teach my students, I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.

Sara L. Fitts and SLF Consulting are dedicated to academic and instructional coaching and consulting - and student success.  For more information, please visit our website today.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

What is Sara's Little Formula?

Over the past 30 years I have developed a style and system of working with students.  This system has led to many successes for hundreds of students since the 1980's and continuing today.  One day not so long ago I began thinking about my system and what made it work for my students.  After a major deconstruction of this system of mine I realized that it was simply a formula for success - the student's success.  So I then re-named my system.  I now refer to it as Sara's Little Formula.

Sara's Little Formula is comprised of many elements.  Sometimes all parts of this formula are used with students and other times only a few of the most needed elements of the formula are provided to students.  In this way I can configure my formula to work with a variety of students and get the specific results that are needed.  

The most important element of Sara's Little Formula is belief in the ability of the student to improve.  Every student with whom I have had the pleasure of working over the years has had that from me.  By simply believing in the student and in his or her ability to improve, success begins.

Because whether we believe we can or we can't improve, we are right.

More to come.........

Sara L Fitts and SLF Consulting are dedicated to academic and instructional coaching and consulting - and student success.  For more information, please visit our website today.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Welcome to Sara's Little Formula

Welcome to my newest blog, Sara's Little Formula!  I have decided to re-launch SLF Consulting with a focus on test prep for SAT and ACT in addition to math tutorials in Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, Trig, Prob/Stats, and Pre-Calculus.  The actual re-launch will take place in August but we are getting ready for new students beginning today!

If you are in need of help with preparing for the SAT or ACT, please let our experience and expertise help you get the results you want and need in order to receive acceptance into the college of your dreams.  Over the past 30 years I have developed what I now refer to as Sara's Little Formula.  And this formula is what I use with all my clients to help them achieve the results they want and need to succeed.  

If you are in need of help with your math class, please let us show you Sara's Little Formula so you can make better grades with less stress and struggle.

For an initial assessment and consultation, contact us today to see how Sara's Little Formula can help you!