Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Motivation is Essential

The next essential element in Sara's Little Formula is motivation.  Without motivation, a great deal of success will never happen.

I learned a very long time ago that many of my students didn't really like math.  So I made it my mission to motivate them to succeed.  My mission is never to make them like math.  But I've always believed that if students improve in their math classes, they have to like math a little bit more - but that's a secondary benefit.  And no one has to like a subject in order to be good at it.

Motivation is important in order for success to occur for a myriad of reasons.  If a student is struggling to comprehend a particular concept, the stress and struggle often take over and shut down the brain.  Poor grades further the downward spiral and then there is (in the student's mind) very little reason to continue working on the concept.  And sometimes students can even experience failure to a degree that shuts them totally down.

Stress and struggle occur in many facets of life.  But my belief is that students shouldn't have to contend with stress and struggle when a remedy exists.  Enter Sara's Little Formula to the rescue.

Motivation is essential in my formula because it sets the stage for immediate relief as well as sustainable success.  Like I said in yesterday's post - whether you think you can or you think you can't do something, you are right.  Therefore, motivation is key.

I don't set out to teach my students, I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.

Sara L. Fitts and SLF Consulting are dedicated to academic and instructional coaching and consulting - and student success.  For more information, please visit our website today.

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