Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Participation is Vital

Sara's Little Formula is comprised of many elements and today I will discuss the importance of participation as a major component to student success.  Too many times students want to watch a problem being worked.  Then when it's time for homework or other independent practice, they lose their way.  They don't know what to do in order to work the problem.  Sometimes they can't even begin the problem.Often students don't understand why this happens - but the simple answer is this:  they haven't participated in working any of the problems themselves.  They simply watched the teacher work problems during the lesson.

Participation is a critical and vital element in Sara's Little Formula.  During my tutorials with clients, participation is really what moves the student toward seeing immediate success. Even during mistakes in working problems, the student experiences the actual feel of the problem and learns the concept quicker and easier with less stress and struggle.

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