Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Doing Whatever It Takes

Sara's Little Formula really comes down to this:  doing whatever it takes to make a student successful.  It is a combination of many things that help students.  I've developed this little formula over a 30-year span that has proven over and over that it works.  There are hundreds of students that have succeeded because of my simple little formula that works. That's why it's called Sara's Little Formula - and it benefits students in different ways depending upon what they really need.  Not every student needs the same things in order to be successful.  But regardless of what students need, Sara's Little Formula is here to help them when and where they need it.

Over the years I've seen students stress and struggle in their various math classes.  It is difficult to watch students stress and struggle - so I decided a long time ago to develop a way to help students that works regardless of what type of stress and struggle they are experiencing.  With most students, Sara's Little Formula works quickly.  Sometimes it takes a bit longer to refine the particular elements within my formula.  But the bottom line is always this:  Sara's Little Formula works because it provides for implementing whatever strategy, technique, or method that works.  It can help students improve from a B to an A while at the same time taking a student from an F to a C or better.  And in rare cases we get an F to a D.  
Life is short - and we want students to have less stress and struggle in math classes. Period. That's the point of Sara's Little Formula.

If you would like to find out how Sara's Little Formula can benefit you or the student in your life, please contact us today via our website or the SLF Consulting page on Facebook.

Sara L Fitts and SLF Consulting provide math tutorials in Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, Trig, Pre-Calculus, and Probability & Statistics in addition to offering 6-week courses in SAT and ACT prep.  E-courses in Study Skills and Time Management are coming soon!

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